Без рубрики Summer School “Linguistic Theory in Second and Foreign Language Teaching”

Summer School “Linguistic Theory in Second and Foreign Language Teaching”

Rimma Maiboroda, Lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department, participated in Summer School “Linguistic Theory in Second and Foreign Language Teaching” which was held in Braunschweig (Germany) on September, 31-September, 4 2018.

It was an intellectual union in search of proper methods applicable to a multi-level phenomenon of foreign/second language acquisition. The program of the school embraced two sides of the definition of “method” understanding 1) as research methods of the mechanisms of language acquisition and 2) as methods of language teaching informed by research results and applied in the classroom. Thus, the School brought together the most successful practices in languages teaching and the findings from experimental linguistics.

Providing a platform for fruitful discussion the School was aimed at elicitation the bidirectionality of the process of language teaching and acquiring/learning. To be more specific, the project answered the question how studies in language acquisition inform and shape language pedagogy, and, on the other hand, how the feedback from the application of most advanced teaching practices motivates further research and points to the understudied areas.

The participants from the USA, Great Britain, Malta, Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine cooperated together discussing the actual problems of Linguistic Theory in Second and Foreign Language Teaching, sharing their own ideas and teaching experience.

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