On the 14th-15th February 2019 Anzhelika Solodka, professor of the Germanic Philology and Translation Department and Luis Perea, English Languge Fellow and Lecturer of ESL at MNU, took part in the International conference “Language, Identity & Education in Multilingual Contexts (LIEMC19) in York, Great Britain. The conference covered a vast variety of research topics:”Identity, Ideology and “Bilingual Advantage” in L2 Learning in Later Life” (Prof. Simon Pfenninger, Switzerland); “Practical Language Policies in Multiligual Preschools: Constructing Identities Through the Leveraging of Linguistic and Cultural Capital” (Prof. Andrea Young, France); “Third Language Acquisition and Linguistic Transfer” (Prof. Jason Rothman, Norway). Luis Perea & Anzhelika Solodka presented the results of their scientific research “Multilingualism in Ukraine: Triglossia or Transglossia?”.The participants from Great Britain, Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Norway and Ukraine cooperated together discussing the actual problems of Linguistics and shared their own ideas and teaching experience.