On the 18th April 2019 within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “CURRENT TRENDS OF THE PHILOLOGICAL EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION” discussion panel “Methodological aspects of foreign languages teaching and learning. Actual problems of cross-cultural training of future specialists” took place at the Faculty of Foreign Philology, V.O.Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv on April 18th. The section was opened by Tetyana Myronenko, Head of the Department of English Language and Literature, V.O.Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv.
Scientific reports were presented by: Tetyana Myronenko, Head of the Department of English Language and Literature and Lesia Dobrovolska, Associate Professor of the Department of English Language and Literature – “CLIL in higher education: challenges and perspectives in a multilingual language policy”; Olha Demianenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages – “Communicative mobility as an important component of the Professional competence of a future educator”; Victoriya Barkasi, Associate the Professor of Department of English Language and Literature and Tatyana Filippyeva, Associate the Professor of Department of English Language and Literature – “Integrated courses of a foreign language and methods of its teaching in the process of university future foreign language teachers training”; Olena Rudychyk, Lecturer of English – “CLIL (Content Language and Integrated Learning)”.
The students of our faculty reported at the conference with their own scientific research and shared the results. Student of 446 group V. Ivanchenko presented her report “Promoting the development of creative thinking in learning English language”. Student of 336 group Z. Oganesyan shared with her research “Introduction of the principle of individualization in teaching foreign languages through adaptive e-learning”.
Graduate students of the Department of English Language and Literature took an active part in the work of the discussion panel. In particular, Olga Nesterenko, Karina Zatkalnitska, Viktoria Nazarenko with Luis Perea, English Language Fellow from Mykolaiv, Ukraine / V.O.Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv “Multilingualism in Ukraine”.
The session was held on a high organizational, scientific and theoretical level and had fruitful discussions among the participants.