Без рубрики The International TESOL/TEFL Conference: Teaching English Globally

The International TESOL/TEFL Conference: Teaching English Globally

Rymma Maiboroda, the Lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department, took part in the International TESOL/TEFL Conference: Teaching Englidh Globally, which was held on May, 3-4, 2019 in Kyiv. The aim of the Conference is to develop a deep understanding of the principles of teaching English in different cultural contexts. The seminar provided opportunities for teachers from around Ukraine and overseas to meet together to network and to share best practices. The speakers from England, Welse, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Philippines introduced the ideas behind the number of approaches to teaching, showed how to apply these ideas day-to-day in the classrooms to develop the students’ English better and improve their language skills – particularly speaking. I should admit the great job of the speakers, high professionalism of all the participants and the desire to share their knowledge with other colleagues. The vivid discussions, pair and group work made every participant a part of the unity which is called the TESOL family.

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