Online CLIL Webinars by the British Council

On the 11th of November the representatives of English Language & Literature Department, the members of MultiEd Project, Tetyana Myronenko, Lesia Dobrovolska, Olena Shcherbakova and Svitlana Nikiforchuk participated in a series of ELTRA webinars on the theme of CLIL and EMI – from school to Higher Education. The 1stwebinar was dedicated to “Secondary School CLIL and EMI at University: Some Evidence from Research in Italy” and presented by Ernesto Macaro – University of Oxford. The 2nd webinar highlighted the problem “Teacher Knowledge and Competencies for Effective CLIL in Multilingual Education Settings”and was conducted by Dee Rutgers – University of Cambridge. The 3d webinar answered the question “Do Pre-Sessional Courses Prepare Students for their Disciplinary Studies?” and was conducted by Doris Dippold and Marion Heron – University of Surrey. The webinars studied various aspects of CLIL approach application in secondary and higher education.

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