Без рубрики CLIL Methodology in Secondary Education: Challenges and Implementation

CLIL Methodology in Secondary Education: Challenges and Implementation

In June 2021 TESOL-Ukraine continued the tradition of National Teacher Development Summer Institutes.

In cooperation with the English Language and Literature Departmment of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv the training «CLIL Methodology in Secondary Education: Challenges and Implementation» was  held.

The program of the Institute (30 academic hours) included:

  • online trainings from the English Language and Literature Departmment of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv (12 hours)
  • individual work of the participants (14 hours)
  • training “How to Teach Maths in English and Improve in Both Subjects” by Dr. Maryna Tsehelska (4 hours).IMG_2891IMG_2760IMG_2774IMG_2797IMG_2755IMG_2901

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