Без рубрики On the Wave of Education Modernization

On the Wave of Education Modernization

The Department of Germanic Philology of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv in cooperation with the NGO “Association of English Teachers ‘TESOL-Ukraine’ Maryna Tsehelska held an open lecture “New Opportunities, New Solutions for Enhancing Language Learning”. The lecture was delivered in the format of a discussion by Professor David Marsh, PhD, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, the UK, Member of the EduCluster Finland Advisory Council and Director of MED, Finland. The initiators and moderators of the event were the father of CLIL David Marsh and the Head of the Germanic Philology Department Tetyana Myronenko, Associate Professor Lesia Dobrovolska.

University and school representatives from Mykolaiv and Mykolaiv region, as well as educators from Lviv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kryvyi Rih, Vinnytsia, Kyiv, and other cities of Ukraine and Canada were invited to participate in the event. A total of 88 participants attended the lecture and reviewed it positively.
Professor Marsh covered the issues of competencies that teachers and lecturers should have, methods of applying artificial intelligence, ethical questions related to this issue, and the use of CLIL in foreign language and other subjects teaching.
The questions of the lecture reflect the work of the department’s staff within the framework of previous projects DeTEL (Tempus), MultiEd (Erasmus+) and the current project DigiFLEd (Erasmus+) and contribute to the continuity and sustainability of projects aimed at modernizing education.

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