Без рубрики Sharing EU Multilingual Education Policymaking Practices in Ukraine

Sharing EU Multilingual Education Policymaking Practices in Ukraine

Today’s webinar “Sharing EU multilingual education policymaking practices in Ukraine” is devoted to multilingual education that presupposes effective communication and openness to new cultures in a contemporary globalized word.
The webinar is highly popular and demanded that gathered about 500 participants at internet space to listen, ask, share the results of multilingual strategies and to discuss challenges and perspectives.
The moderator of the webinar is the manager of the MultiEd project Oleksandra Golovko.
The speakers are Kristina Kallas (Minister of Education of Estonia), Maryna Mruga (State Expert of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine), Iryna Zadorozhna (Vice-Rector of Ternopil National Pedagogical University).

To learn more about MutlEd, please, visit our website http://www.multied.com.ua
National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine & HERE team#Erasmus+ #ErasmusUA #MultiEd

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