Без рубрики Second Language Acquisition Course Design

Second Language Acquisition Course Design

On March 31, 2021 the work on Second Language Acquisition Syllabus Design started. The course “Second Language Acquisition” is developed in terms of the Erasmus+ Project 610427-EE-2019-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration (MultiEd)”.
It is an elective course which is going to be introduced in the cycle of professional courses in the curriculum for Bachelor level full-time students (Philology and Secondary education branches of knowledge).
The participants from eight Ukrainian Universities (Zaporizhzhia National University, Mykolaiv Sukhomlynskyi National University, Cherkasy National University, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Precarpathian National University) with the team leader Iryna Zadorozhna take part in Second Language Acquisition Course Design.
Dr. Elisabeth Wielander (Aston University), who is in charge of the course development procedure, shares her experience and consults the Ukrainian partners of the MultiEd consortium.
The team of the partners has to work out Syllabus of the course, namely its aim, competencies, learning outcomes, to define and correlate program and course learning outcomes, that comprise students` knowledge, skills, communication, autonomy and responsibility.
Three meetings have already been held. The themes of the modules, their theoretical and practical components, as well as Learning Objectives and Outcomes have already been defined, discussed and approved by all the members of the team.
There is still a lot of work ahead, but well-coordinated and productive team work proves that the Second Language Acquisition Syllabus design will have been completed according to the schedule by May, 15.
Возможно, это изображение (4 человека и текст «cepBиcbl Gmail YouTube KapTbl Introduction SLA Chapter 1in USLA Thursday Chapter loup USLA 1994) September Age 4TeHиR Chapter USLA (2008) 29& Discussion guestions Chapter Chapter USLA Brown Gullberg 2008) October Group facilitation Ioup Linguistic Environment al. (1994) on Thursday, Chapter USLA Schmidt (1983) Group facilitation Muñoz (2008) October The Linguistic Environment Thursday, Sep Tuesday USLA (2009) Tuesday. October Cognition Group facilitation Brown Gullberg (2008) Discussion questions Chapter Chapter Group facilitation October Speaking Schmidt (1983) Thursday, poma Group facilitation (2009) Thursday, Midterm take- home exam available Tuesd due 9:15 a.m Thursday, October»)Возможно, это изображение (3 человека и текст «(6e3 Temи !! cepBиcbl Gmail YouTube 3anycTиTb KapTbl nowyK meHю (Alt+/) nepeBecTи nporpama!! nporpama!! G HauoHaлbHий RAP 100% Logo E+ Inderstanding 3Bи4aйHи... LOGO MultiEd cnиcoKAлR F Syllabus_ofthe_comse Bachelor 0.35 Philology лeHa KopAюK bachelor Branch fknowledge Specialization Qualifications Form feducation Status fthe discipline Course prerequisites Semester time Cycle professional courses. Elective course English BI course Volume Forn hours hours fclass work hours self-study and consultation final control pиHa 3aAopoжHa Credit (passed/ failed)»)Возможно, это изображение (4 человека)

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