Без рубрики Academic Writing Courses Development

Academic Writing Courses Development

The Erasmus + programmes are aimed to expand the boundaries of academic staff as well as learners’ competences and Academic Writing Сourse is no exception. New courses on Academic Writing focuse on writing skills development and improvement by raising awareness of practicing and reflecting upon the style and quality of writing. The process of courses development is guided by Kristina Kallas, the Research Fellow from the University of Tartu Narva College.
The courses “Academic Writing Essentials”, “Academic Writing” and “Research Skills and Academic Writing” are aimed to develop the cognitive and practical skills which are required at BA, MA and PhD educational levels to process English-language research literature, and successfully pursue academic communication in oral and written forms. The designed courses will help learners to acquire the ability to use the discourse patterns of Academic English effectively, improve critical thinking, reading and writing skills, and have an opportunity to master the writing process by generating ideas, drafting, peer evaluation and editing.
The course material will be based on module principle, which enables students to master argumentative writing skills.
Возможно, это изображение (14 человек и текст)Возможно, это изображение (4 человека)

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